Scribe Post for November 20, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009
Hey guys, during Friday's class we talked about Reciprocals.
Hmm what are reciprocals ? Well let me explain them to you.

Reciprocal - two factors that when multiplied will give the product of one.

For example,
(5/11)(11/5) = 1
(2/3)(3/2) = 1
3/4 x 4/3 = 1

Identity of one
- any number multiplied by one is itself
- any number divided by one is itself

1 x 18 = 18
( one times a group of eighteen ) = eighteen

1/2 ÷ 1 = 1/2

So here are the steps if using reciprocals
1. find the reciprocal of the divisor
2. multiply the dividend and divisor by the reciprocal of the divisor
3. divisor becomes one, anything divided by one is itself
4. simplify if possible

So heres a question using a reciprocal
24/35 ÷ 3/7 = 24/35 x 7/3 ( 3/7 x 7/3 ) reciprocal
= 24/35 x 7/35
= 8 x 1/5
= 8/5
= 1 3/5


Lissa 9-05 said...

GOOD JOB FRANCIS! Nice colours and I suggest you add pictures next time. I like how your post is very neat thugh (: Keep up the good work!

josephduong said...

Good Job Francis, but I think it would've been better if you added what was for homework.Other than that, good job!

Mr. B. said...

Mr Frank. Please check your math... I think you might have made a mistake.

kara 9-05 said...

Nice scribe, I liked all the colours. Next time, maybe you could add some pictures, and add the homeowork too! Other than that good job!

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