Scribe Post for January 4, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010
Hey, welcome back the Class! A new year is here. Let`s all aim to do our best and keep being the Class :)

Today was basically a work period. First day back and there`s already so much work to be done.

Old Work: things assigned before the break.
Chapter 3 Get Ready (in our Work Book)
3 point approach - base
exponential form
difference between (-5)x and -5x (the x`s are the exponents)
Foldable (shown on page 90 of our text book)

New Work: things that were assigned today.
Chapter 3 Math
Link Introduction (sheet)
3.1 Self Assessment
Chapter 3- read pages 88 to 96
- do the CYU

Well, that`s all the work. Just so there`s no confusion, there is
NO TEST TOMORROW! Don`t you feel so much more relieved now?

Anyway, we`re back at school so do your homework. Thanks for reading my scribe (you`re all good people)! For the next scribe, I pick Zerlina.


shaneille 9-05 said...

Wow you got you post up fast! Great job Kristen! You post is short, but you said everything we did and need to do, one suggestion, you forgot to mention journals. Everyday!

simran 9-05 said...

Great job kristin, one thing you could have done would have been to have underline or use a different colour, for example when you said 3 point approach it could have been bolded or something and then the words after. But overall great job!

angela905 said...

Good job Kristin! Everything was great. Though you could have added more colur to your post. Also you forgot to mention the journal like Shaneille said. You also forgot that we should find the evaluations for our games. Anyways; great post :D

xtian 9-05 said...

Good job Kristin on reminding us what the homework is. and I agree with Shanielle you forgot to mention the journals, but over all it looks great even though it's short.

Zerlina905 said...

Nice scribe Kristin! It was a short scribe, but math class was short too. I still think you should have added a little more to it. Maybe some colours, maybe some pictures. I like how you reminded us about our homework, I forgot to write down a few things. Great job again!

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