Scribe for March 3, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hello 905! Today we started class by reviewing two questions from the homework.

Question #14 from the Chapter 5 Practice test.

A) 4n+7+5n+6= 9n + 6
B) This could represent the difference between each squirrel.
C) (5n-1)-(4n+7) = 5n-1-4n-7
= n-8

* remember that when the negative is outside the brackets whatever inside is the negative*
Next Question #15 from the Chapter 5 practice test.

A) $100+5b b=bowling shoes
B) $20+4b b=pizza
C) 100 + 5b + 20 +4b = 120+9b

D) 120+9(9) =120 +81

= $201

Multiplying and Dividing polynomials.
one thing to know about negative and positive numbers.

(-)(-)= +

(+)(+) = +

(-)(+) = -
(+)(-) = -
(-)/(-) = +
(-)/(+) = -
(+)/(+)= +


so (2x)(3x)= 6x(squared)

* reminder (-2x)(4x) the first set is on the side so -2x would be on the side, the second set is always on the top 4x would be on top*

Another example using algebra this time .


~Homework time ~ Due Friday!

Read pg 254-258

Key ideas pg 259

Cyu #2


3 or 4 ,5 or 6 , 7 or 8, 9,10, 11 or 12, half of 15 and 16, 17-24, 26+27


math links,


I just touched on a bit we did on class, sorry if i missed something, comment please.

The next scribe is Simran.


simran 9-05 said...

Good scribe shaaaany, haha. Nice pictures and good job explaining what we did in class.

Zerlina905 said...

Great scribe Shaneille! I like your pictures and examples. It was very colourful too and outstanding. You forgot to put the Challenges and the Signed test for HW but that's ok. Great job again!

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