So Mr. B gave us 3 numbers. After those numbers we put the prime numbers that are below 10. Next we figured out how many times each prime number goes into each number. For example the number 3. The prime numbers below 10 are 2,3,5 and 7. So 2 goes into 3 no times so you put and exponent of 0 on the number 2. Then you do that for the next number which is 3, so 3 goes into 3 one time so you put an exponent of 1. Then 5 goes into 3 no times so you put an exponent of 0 for the number 5. Lastly 7 goes into 3 no times so you put an exponent of 0 on the number 7.
Then you do that for the next number which is 5. Which will give you 2^0, 3^0, 5^1, and 7^0
Now for the number 21 its different if you break down 21 into 2 numbers that multiply, you would get 3x7. Then you see put your prime numbers into that. Which would get you 2^0, 3^1, 5^0, and 7^1. So for bigger numbers its easier to break it down then to put the prime numbers into the multiples.
Well that's pretty much what we did in math today. Mr B just gave us more examples and explained it more clear. Well that's my scribe, sorry if their are any mistakes and if it is confusing. For the next scribe it will be FRANCIS M.
Nice work Adrian! You used a lot of colours and explained how to find the LCM very well! The only thing that I would suggest is to maybe put what was for homework from today, other than that, good job.
Great job Adrian! I really like all of the colours! Good job in explaining the LCM. I agree with Kara, you should have put down the homework. Great job again!
Adrian make sure you fix your mistake for 21. it should be 7 exponent 1 not 7 exponent 0.
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